
Why Choose Abundant Beginnings Co. (ABC Surrogacy)?

Experience and Longevity in the Surrogacy Industry In the world of surrogacy, there are countless agencies to choose from. We have seen new agencies come and go in our 20+ years in this industry. We are still here, providing support and guidance to our surrogates...

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Surrogacy Requirements: Who Can Become a Surrogate?

Thinking about becoming a gestational carrier? It’s an incredible journey, and there are some important qualifications and requirements you need to know about. A gestational surrogate is a woman who carries a baby for intended parents who can’t carry a pregnancy...

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Brittany’s 2nd Journey

I’m completing my second surrogacy journey, and am happy to report the birth of this precious baby girl! Both the mom and dad got to be in the OR during the C-Section. Normally, the hospital only lets one person be back there but they made an exception since it was...

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Why I don’t want to keep your baby – Episode 2

I never considered keeping the child. I never considered it mine. I never thought of it as mine. If anything, I would tell people it's kind of like being a nanny. I'm keeping the baby safe, and then the parents will come home and take their baby with them. The...

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Our Rainbow Miracle

Hey everyone!! We have something to share with ya’ll!! I have been dealing with infertility issues for a long time now that has affected my hopes and Chris’ hopes of becoming parents. Through these past several years there have been a lot of losses and setbacks and...

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Words from an Intended Parent (Rebecca and Steven)

What was your experience finding a gestational surrogate with Abundant Beginnings?   Overall the process to find a GC was very smooth. We first wrote our family profile and shared it with Abundant Beginnings Company, and shared some general guidelines about...

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Why I Chose Surrogacy Over Adoption

Why I Chose Surrogacy Over Adoption By Nicole Lawson (Co-Owner of Abundant Beginnings Company) Surrogacy and adoption are two paths that individuals or couples can take to fulfill their dreams of becoming parents. While both options are amazing, I personally chose...

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Brittany’s Birth Story

Brittany is a repeat surrogate, and she wanted to share her story so that others will better understand the surrogacy process and the blessing that it is for all involved. Thank you, Brittany! You are a true gift:)! As a two-time surrogate, I can say without a...

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