
How Much
Do Surrogates Get Paid?

Typical base fee for first time surrogates is $55,000-$65,000+. Experienced surrogates can start at $70,000 or more, based on various factors, and we discuss with each person individually. All of our surrogates receive a $4,000 bonus which is paid during the clearance process.

  Benefit Package

While the emotional rewards are immense, the process involves considerable dedication, including medical appointments and personal sacrifices.Please remember that surrogate compensation packages can vary widely depending on the agency and the state.

If you are considering the path of surrogacy, you might have questions about compensation, benefits, and what to expect financially during your journey. ABC Surrogacy prides itself on providing a competitive and clear compensation structure that reflects your invaluable contribution to this life-changing process.

Base Compensation
Monthly Allowance (add$50/mo for multiples)
Injectible Medication per Cycle
Mock Cycle
Dropped Cycle
Embryo Transfer
Multiple fee
Maternity Clothing
Invasive Procedure
Surrogate Friendly States
$60K +/-

The compensation structure for surrogates varies slightly. The range for base compensation for a first time surrogate is $55,000-$65,000, depending on location and other factors. Experienced surrogates will receive a higher compensation that will be discussed with the agency. Additionally, each surrogate is eligible for a bonus of $4,000 to be split at medical and legal clearance.

There are also various allowances and fees associated with specific stages and requirements of the surrogacy process. For instance, surrogates receive a monthly allowance of $250, which increases by $50 for multiples.

Surrogates are compensated $250 for each cycle involving injectable medication, and $300 for both a mock cycle and any dropped cycle. A surrogate is compensated $1,500 for an embryo transfer. Should the pregnancy involve multiples, there is an increase in the base fee by $10,000. Furthermore, surrogates are allocated $1,000 for maternity clothing.

Additional compensations are provided for specific medical procedures: $500 for any invasive procedure and $2,500 if a cesarean section is required during delivery. These figures represent a comprehensive compensation package designed to support the surrogate throughout the pregnancy and delivery process.


Comprehensive Surrogate Support and Compensation

Our surrogate program is designed to support you comprehensively through every stage of your journey. Here’s a detailed look at the additional benefits and compensations we provide:

  • Breast Milk Compensation: If you choose to provide breast milk post-delivery, we recognize the commitment this takes. You will receive a weekly stipend to compensate for your time and the supplies needed, ensuring you are supported as you support the new life you helped bring into the world.
  • Loss of Reproductive Capabilities: In the rare event of complications that affect your reproductive health, we provide a specialized insurance plan and additional compensation to cover medical treatments and acknowledge your sacrifice. This policy is in place to ensure your peace of mind and financial stability.
  • Bed Rest Compensation: Should medical professionals recommend bed rest or restricted activity during your pregnancy, we cover any resulting financial impacts. This includes a compensatory allowance for lost wages and additional childcare expenses, ensuring your family’s routine is maintained without financial strain.
  • Travel Expenses: All travel-related expenses incurred during the surrogacy process, including transportation, meals, and accommodations, are fully reimbursed. These expenses are covered for both you and a companion, if required, making your medical visits worry-free.
  • Lost Wages: We provide comprehensive coverage for wages lost due to pregnancy-related appointments, bed rest, or recovery from childbirth as specified in your legal agreement. Our aim is to ensure that your financial health remains strong while you focus on your health and wellness.
  • Childcare Support: Recognizing the challenges of managing family care during your surrogacy journey, we offer a childcare allowance. This support covers the cost of care for your children during medical appointments, hospital stays, or when you need additional rest, ensuring your children’s needs are met without added stress to you.
  • Multiple Pregnancy Compensation: Additional compensation for carrying multiples, such as twins or triplets, recognizing the increased effort, risk, and medical attention required.
  • Maternity Clothing Allowance: A one-time or periodic stipend provided for maternity clothes to accommodate the changing body during pregnancy, ensuring comfort without additional financial burden.
  • Mock Cycle Compensation: Compensation for participating in a mock cycle to prepare the body for embryo transfer, which helps ensure the best possible environment for embryo implantation.
  • Cancelled Cycle Compensation: Financial support in case an embryo transfer cycle is cancelled for reasons outside the surrogate’s control, mitigating disappointment and financial impact.
  • Special Diet Allowance: Reimbursement or allowance for special dietary needs prescribed by a doctor during the pregnancy, ensuring the health of both the surrogate and the baby.
  • C-Section Bonus: An extra payment if a cesarean section is required, acknowledging the additional recovery time and care needed post-operation.

Hear From Our Amazing Women

“In spite of the challenges I faced, this was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done…If you are considering surrogacy, I truly believe you are a special person… This was one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.”

Read Brittany's Second Surrogacy Journey

“Surrogacy weighed heavy on my heart and I just couldn’t shake the feeling that it was my calling to become a surrogate…I loved all the support and the fact they were a smaller company, so I didn’t feel like a number.”
Read Desiree's Story Helping a Couple Become Parents

“I heard the IP mom behind me crying with happiness, love, and joy! She bent down to give me a hug and whispered in my ear, ‘Thank you,’ and it was at that moment when I started to cry happy tears and truly realized how much of an impact I just made for this family.”
Read Jennifer's Birth Story

“Such good experience…I would love to do this more than once! Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity!”
– Gestational Surrogate (North California)

“Thank you so much! This has been such a great experience. You guys have been great to work with, and I appreciate all you have done. You are all special people for what you do. I would like to add that being a surrogate was one of the greatest things I have done in my life.
– Gestational Surrogate (Fresno, CA)

“Thank you with all of my heart for providing so much support through my journey! I am so impressed at your dedication to me during the whole process, from the minute I applied, to well after the birth! I highly recommend Abundant Beginnings Co. and love to share about my experience!”
– Gestational Surrogate (Colorado)

Surrogacy Overview

Requirements to be a Surrogate

Surrogate Compensation

Surrogate Process

Surrogate Questions & Answers

Become a Surrogate

Giving & Receiving
the Gift of Life

Set up a FREE Consultation
(323) 207-5762


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