Kiara’s Journey, the First Baby of 2023!

Working with surrogates and supporting families in becoming parents is such an honor. Knowing intimately what goes into bringing a baby into the world, we do not take any moment for granted.
The team at Abundant Beginnings is so excited to announce that our first baby of 2023 was born on January 10! The little bundle of joy was born right on time, weighing in at almost 8 pounds.
As our amazing surrogate, Kiara is recovering after delivery, we asked her to reflect on her journey from the last year. She shares the following about her experience:
What was your biggest fear with starting a surrogacy journey?
I think at first, my biggest fear was if I would be able to get pregnant on the first try, and then once I was pregnant, the fear was just making sure I did everything right. I wanted to make sure he (the baby) was healthy, so I made sure I was eating right, drinking plenty of fluids, etc.. I think it would be summed up as I wanted everything to go perfect, because I know how hard it had already been on the IPs (Intended Parents) to have a kid that I just didn’t want to add to that struggle.
What did your friends and family think of you being a surrogate?
My family and friends all basically had the same reaction which was supportive, and they thought it was a very amazing thing to do. They were a little shocked at first, only because it isn’t something you hear about every day. They still loved the idea and always checked in on me to make sure things were going well.
Who ended up being your greatest support person, and how did they support you?
My mom. She was amazing throughout the entire thing. She was there when I needed to talk about my fears or when I wasn’t feeling good (morning sickness) she would bring me whatever I needed and then during labor and delivery, she stayed with me the whole time giving me support and holding my hand when I was in pain.
Tell us about the birth process. What was it like to see them meet their baby for the first time?
Labor started at about 7 a.m. and lasted until 7:51 p.m, after pushing for about 15-20 minutes the baby made his arrival! He went straight to his mom and dad so they could do skin-to-skin. It was a very special moment seeing the parents meet their baby boy for the first time. It’s a hard feeling to express, but seeing the joy and love they had for him and knowing how long they have waited for that moment, I was very happy to be a part of their experience and to help such deserving people.
Did you get to hold the baby? How was that for you? You know IPs are sometimes afraid that the GC will bond with the baby — were you concerned about that?
I did get to hold the baby after the parents had time with him, I got to hold him and then I visited with them twice the following day and got to hold him again. I think I did bond with the baby but not in a way where I believe he was mine or that I would want to keep him, but in a way, I feel bonded/close with my best friend’s kids or how I will feel when my sister has her kids, so yes I did bond with the baby but just not a motherly bond.
How did the agency support you?
I feel like when it came to discussing things that I felt might be uncomfortable or awkward asking the IPS, the agency was always there to give me advice on how to ask or to ask for me. They always checked in on me to see how my doctor’s appointments went or how I was feeling and if there was anything I needed.
We received a few photos after the baby was born, and the joy and gratitude were shining through on everyone’s face, including the baby, who looked like he was smiling!
Know that unless we’ve received permission from IPs, we do not share photos. As a result, we honor the trust we have built between us as well as respect everyone’s privacy.
Welcome to the world, baby boy! And, well done, Kiara. We are so grateful for you!