
Starting Surrogacy During a Pandemic

July 7, 2020

By Nicole Lawson

This past week I had the pleasure of speaking with a few couples whose desire to have a child outweighed their fear of the Coronavirus.  Speaking with these clients about their desire to have a child brought me back to when I was struggling through my own deep desires and anguish with infertility.  Although this was several years ago now, I knew that nothing was going to stand in my way of having a child, and with the support of my friends and family, my husband and I took the next steps to get us there — engaging a surrogate to help us start our family.

Our current clients are faced with a decision about proceeding at this time of uncertainty with our world’s public health, and most of these clients are not letting the fear of Coronavirus stop them.  Yes, they know there will be extra precautions taken, and yes, they are scared.  And, they want to take action.  They want a baby.  They are embracing this process with open arms, and not second guessing themselves when searching for their perfect surrogate. I give them all so much credit for the steps they are taking.  

We all have some sort of history, but here stands a woman that is open to being your surrogate.  She has the perfect pregnancy history, the stability needed to be a surrogate and the amazing support system for her to get pregnant for someone else.  She might have something in her history that might not make her “perfect”, BUT the qualities that make her an amazing person, and a highly qualified surrogate are there.  That is what matters when looking for someone to carry your baby.  

There is a lot of trust involved, and as an experienced agency and experienced IP, I’m grateful to be available at this time to offer my support and encouragement.  The surrogacy process involves a lot of trust, even without the Coronavirus!  As an agency, we are speaking directly with the fertility clinics who are carefully following ASRM guidelines and specific protocols of each state.  The doctors are responding quickly to questions and reviewing medical records thoroughly.  The surrogates are being extremely cautious and communicative, and taking all necessary precautions to protect themselves, and their families.

Embracing this surrogacy journey is what these clients are doing during this pandemic, and I am so beyond grateful to have Abundant Beginnings supporting them on their journey to becoming parents.