
I never considered keeping the child. I never considered it mine. I never thought of it as mine. If anything, I would tell people it’s kind of like being a nanny. I’m keeping the baby safe, and then the parents will come home and take their baby with them. The reason why I don’t want to keep the surrogate baby is because my family is complete. I’ve already had my three babies, and I’ve been lucky enough to have them.

But being a surrogate means I get to help somebody else or people become a family, and that means the world. I’m done having kids and don’t want any more. I want to have a baby for you. That’s your baby, and I don’t keep things that aren’t mine. Having children on my own was the greatest thing I’ve ever done. I loved every second of it, but I knew I was done at two. So, as soon as my kids were a little bit older, I knew I wanted to be able to give someone else that gift.

So, the idea of keeping them was just never on the radar. You know so far in advance that they’re going to just amazing homes. What these parents are so excited, so watching this couple become parents instantly because of you, is that as far as IPs being worried about surrogates not wanting to give the baby back, it’s completely understandable. But I think it’s also very important to understand that we go into this knowing this is not our baby, and we’re not keeping it.

And we’re going to love it and cherish it for as long as we have it and then give it back to you because we want to help you grow your family. This is not about us; it’s not about making our goals or dreams come true. My family’s already built. I’ve already had my baby, and I’m happy, and I’m really not looking to take your baby away from you.

You know, if I wanted to get pregnant and have my own baby or if I wanted to grow my family, I would really just get pregnant on my own and wouldn’t go through all the shots and all that. So as much as we love caring for your baby, we don’t want to keep it at the end. When you do give the baby to their parents, and you see the joy, like that is like nothing you’ve ever felt before.

Like when you hold your own child, I remember when I had my daughters, and I first held them, like that joy and that love that you feel is indescribable. And for me, that’s the whole reason I want to do surrogacy. I want to be able to help a family achieve that feeling that they otherwise wouldn’t have been able to do on their own.