20 Week Anatomy Scan
Julie S’ Surrogacy Journey Vol. 9
I cannot believe we’re halfway through the pregnancy already! Things have been moving along very smoothly, which is just how I like it! With my due date *just* 137 days away, my Intended Parents have begun doing some work to get ready for the baby. Every IP is different in regards to prepping for the baby and each couple must find what is comfortable for them. It is so wonderful to hear how they are making changes to their home and lifestyle in order to be ready for this little one’s arrival. If they chose not to share these things with me, I would completely understand. Some Intended Parents keep this part of the process more private.
In late November, I drove to LA to see Dr. Neil Silverman at Center for Fetal Medicine for the Nuchal Translucency (NT) scan. This is a scan done any time after 12 weeks to rule out some genetic birth defects. Most women have this scan as part of their 1st trimester screening. At that appointment everything was perfect and there were no concerns. We hadn’t received the results from my 1st trimester screening yet, so it was reassuring to hear that the baby appeared to be growing normal for 14 weeks gestation.
Six weeks later we returned for the 20 week anatomy scan. This is a big scan where they go over all the baby’s organs and limbs and make sure everything is looking just how it should. The IPs were at the appointment, and I’m sure they were a bit nervous along with excited.
After chatting for a while, the Intended Mom leaned over and said, “we have some news….” She had told me that they were so excited to find out the baby’s gender and couldn’t wait any longer. They had called their fertility doctor to ask for the news and they did find out the gender! I’m choosing to keep that a secret with them at this time, but I am so very excited for them! My husband and I did not find out the gender of our children prior to their birth, and I know how important it is for some people to prep for baby’s arrival. I’m just so so happy for them!
After a little bit of waiting, we were finally called back to the room! It was time to see the little baby boy who WAS sleeping until the moment I laid down on the table. He woke up and was the cutest little squirming thing you could imagine. The technician was joking with him that he needed to share his limbs for her to see. I glanced over at my IPs several times and saw the joy in their faces. The technician did a great job explaining to them the baby’s position and what she was measuring. Everything was perfect. The baby is perfection.
A bit later, Dr. Silverman came in to take a look at the baby, too. This is standard practice, as the doctor likes to look at everything after the tech does the measurements. After some different measurements on the heart and brain mass, he reported that the baby was perfect and offered another congratulations to the happy parents to be!
This is my third time going through this big ultrasound with IPs present, and I know what a relief it is to hear that everything is perfect. When an IP has trusted me to carry their baby safely and in the best manner that I can, I’m absolutely certain it is still nerve wracking even though they know I am doing exactly as I should be doing. I love the sense of relief this halfway mark brings to all of us and I pray every single day that this little baby continues to grow as he should.

My growing belly
Be sure to check back soon for another update!