
Pregnancy Update – Taylor

Taylor and family

Hey there! Taylor signing in with an update on my surrogacy journey!

I always wanted to be a surrogate and never thought I would get this far, but here I am, 33 weeks pregnant and counting! I have kept an open mind with my journey and have met so many amazing people. It has been wonderful and fulfilling, I’m already considering more journeys if possible in the future!

My kids are the most important thing to me and being a mother is the greatest calling I could ever have. I wanted to help a deserving couple become parents because I can’t imagine not having a family of my own!  On top of helping my Intended Parents, the money I am earning is helping our family to buy a house!

My experience has been great in every way! I fell in love with the parents, met some amazing surro sisters and ABC Surrogacy has been so great and comforting through everything!

Taylor with kids.